FXML full reference?

FXML Reference

Introduction to FXML describes the syntax and usage patterns of the markup and is important to study when learning FXML. It does not define all elements usable in FXML.

There will never be a full reference (nor xml schema) for FXML as it works by reflecting on Java classes in the classpath and defining elements and attributes based on the properties of the classes.

FXML’s creator (Greg Brown) suggests:

So currently Javadoc is the best reference.

For future Javadoc revisions of JavaFX, the JavaFX team is considering including FXML examples in the Javadoc.

This forum thread and this forum thread contains discussions about and links to fxml documentation.

FXML code completion in IDEs

  • NetBeans 7.3 provides FXML code completion.
  • The defacto JavaFX eclipse plugin e(fx)clipse provides FXML code completion.
  • Intellij Idea 12.1 provides FXML code completion.

These IDE inference engines work by reflecting on Java classes the same way the FXML implementation does.

When you use a library like ControlsFX, or develop your own JavaFX components, the IDE code completion is able to make use of the new classes and attributes you have created or linked.

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