Extracting a 7-Zip file “silently” – command line option

I just came across this when searching for the same, but I solved it myself! Assuming the command is processed with Windows / DOS, a simpler solution is to change your command to:

7z.exe -o some_dir x some_archive.7z > nul

That is, direct the output to a null file rather than the screen.

Or you could pipe the output to the DOS “find” command to only output specific data, that is,

7z.exe -o some_dir x some_archive.7z | FIND "ing archive"

This would just result in the following output.

Creating archive some_archive.7z


Updating archive some_archive.7z**

My final solution was to change the command to

... some_archive.7z | FIND /V "ing  "

Note double space after ‘ing’. This resulted in the following output.

7-Zip 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18


Updating some_archive.7z

Everything is Ok

This removes the individual file processing, but produces a summary of the overall operation, regardless of the operation type.

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