Error “You must not call setTag() on a view Glide is targeting” when use Glide

The key is ViewTarget.setTagId; setting it will free up the default setTag on the ImageView so you can use it as root in the item layout.
It was introduced in Glide 3.6.0 in issue #370.

In your manifest add this:


Then create an application context class:

public class App extends Application {
    @Override public void onCreate() {

Add the following as contents for src/main/values/ids.xml:

    <item type="id" name="glide_tag" />

(or just add the above <item ... /> into any resources xml in values)

Update: ViewTarget was deprecated since 4.8.0. If you’re using into(ImageView), you’ll still have to call the deprecated class’s method, because the built-in *ViewTarget classes still extend the old class.

If you use a custom ViewTarget, migrate to CustomViewTarget as the replacement. This will remove the need for setting any tag ID, because the default behaviour for CustomViewTarget is using a Glide-specific ID, so it shouldn’t clash with any setTag calls.
If you want to customise the ID anyway, you can use useTagId on your custom target.

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