The Linux kernel maps most of the virtual address space that belongs to the kernel to perform 1:1 mapping with an offset of the first part of physical memory. (slightly less then for 1Gb for 32bit x86, can be different for other processors or configurations). For example, for kernel code on x86 address 0xc00000001 is mapped to physical address 0x1.
This is called logical mapping – a 1:1 mapping (with an offset) that allows the kernel to access most of the physical memory of the machine.
But this is not enough – sometime we have more then 1Gb physical memory on a 32bit machine, sometime we want to reference non contiguous physical memory blocks as contiguous to make thing simple, sometime we want to map memory mapped IO regions which are not RAM.
For this, the kernel keeps a region at the top of its virtual address space where it does a “random” page to page mapping. The mapping there do not follow the 1:1 pattern of the logical mapping area. This is what we call the virtual mapping.
It is important to add that on many platforms (x86 is an example), both the logical and virtual mapping are done using the same hardware mechanism (TLB controlling virtual memory). In many cases, the “logical mapping” is actually done using virtual memory facility of the processor, so this can be a little confusing. The difference therefore is the pattern according to which the mapping is done: 1:1 for logical, something random for virtual.