Create a reusable FormGroup

The piece I was missing was mentioned in rusev’s answer, and that is injecting the ControlContainer.

Turns out that if you place formGroupName on a component, and if that component injects ControlContainer, you get a reference to the container which contains that form. It’s easy from here.

We create a sub-form component.

  selector: 'sub-form',
  template: `
    <ng-container [formGroup]="controlContainer.control">
      <input type=text formControlName=foo>
      <input type=text formControlName=bar>
export class SubFormComponent {
  constructor(public controlContainer: ControlContainer) {

Notice how we need a wrapper for the inputs. We don’t want a form because this will already be inside a form. So we use an ng-container. This will be striped away from the final DOM so there’s no unnecessary element.

Now we can just use this component.

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <form [formGroup]=form>
      <sub-form formGroupName=group></sub-form>
      <input type=text formControlName=baz>
export class AppComponent  {
  form ={
      foo: 'foo',
      bar: 'bar',
    baz: 'baz',

  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}

You can see a live demo on StackBlitz.

This is an improvement over rusev’s answer in a few aspects:

  • no custom groupName input; instead we use the formGroupName provided by Angular
  • no need for @SkipSelf decorator, since we’re not injecting the parent control, but the one we need
  • no awkward group.control.get(groupName) which is going to the parent in order to grab itself.

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