Conceptual problems with IndexedDB (relationships etc.)

I’m new to IndexedDB myself but I too have been thinking a lot about how I would use IndexedDB for purposes like this. The first thing I would suggest, if you haven’t done it already, is to look at how other key-value / document databases (CouchDB, MongoDB, etc.) work, since that’s essentially the type of database that IndexedDB is.

There are several different approaches to handling relationships in a document database…as to synchronizing with your relational server-side database, you will probably need to create some kind of custom mapping because some of the approaches to relationships that would make sense for IndexedDB will not map very cleanly to a relational database. However, I think setting up such a mapping is definitely doable, and the bigger issue is how to handle relationships in IndexedDB, so that’s what I’ll focus on here…

As to your proposed solution, I think it could actually work well, and you could write a simple querying library that helped consolidate the plumbing code (more on that below). Key-value stores are built to be very efficient at looking up items by key, so doing so for each related object might not be as inefficient as you think…however, I came up with another idea that makes better use of indexes…

First, for my proposed solution, you’d need to store the “objectstore” metadata somewhere other than within the “reference” object itself…it doesn’t necessarily even need to be stored in IndexedDB at all; you could just use an in-memory schema for that:

var schema = {
    Course: {
        fields: [id, title],
        relationships: {
            lecturers: {objectstore: 'lecturer'},
            semester: {objectstore: 'semester'},
    Lecturer: { ... }

(By the way, your JSON example has an error…you can’t have more than one key called “reference” – it would need to be a “references” array.)

This frees you up to store the ID values directly in the relationship fields, so that you can create indexes on them (I’ve used letter prefixes for clarity even though in reality all of these would probably have an ID of 1, since ID values don’t need to be unique across stores):

var course1 = {

var lecturer1 = {

var semester1 = {

You would, of course, have to be careful that all storage/retrieval operations happened through data access functions (e.g. insert(), update(), delete()) that were smart enough to ensure that the relationships were always updated correctly on both ends…actually you may not need that depending on how you plan to query the data, but it seems like a good idea since you might sometimes just want to get the IDs of the related objects (to be looked up later, or not) rather than actually retrieving them.

Let’s say you have an index on the “courses” field in the lecturer store. Using an index, you could look up all of the lecturers associated with a particular course ID in one fell swoop:

lecturerStore.index("courses").get("C1").onsuccess = …

For that example it doesn’t matter much because courses will generally only have 1-2 lecturers, but consider how an index could be used to efficiently look up all the courses in a particular semester:

coursesStore.index("semester").get("S1").onsuccess = …

Note that in the lecturer example (a many-to-many relationship), the index would need to be specified as “multientry,” meaning that if you have a field whose value is an array, each element of the array will be added to the index. (See …I’m not sure what the browser support is on this.)

And I’m sure you could do other clever things with indexing too, using cursors and IDBKeyRange to help do some sort of “join” operation. For ideas, check out this link, which demonstrates ways of handling relationships in CouchDB:

That link also mentions using embedded documents, which is something you should definitely consider — not all objects necessarily need to have their own object store, especially for “aggregation” relationships.

(By the way, I’m not sure how helpful it would be to you since it doesn’t provide much in the way of querying, but someone has actually implemented a CouchDB-like database on top of IndexedDB:

In addition to indexes, implementing a caching mechanism would probably help a lot too.

Now, as to simplifying the querying process, I know you mentioned not wanting to use a wrapper library…but I had an idea about a convenient API that could be created, that would accept an object like this:

//select all courses taught by 'Professor Wilkins'
from: 'lecturer',  //open cursor on lecturer store 
where: function(lecturer) { return'Professor Wilkins' }, //evaluate for each item found
select: function(lecturer) { return }, //what to return from previous step
//this should be inferred in this case, but just to make it clear...
eagerFetch: function(lecturer) { return }

I’m not sure how difficult it would be to implement, but it definitely seems like it would make life easier.

I’ve rambled long enough, but I wanted to mention one last thing, which is that I’ve also been thinking about borrowing some ideas from graph databases, since they’re much better at handling relationships than document databases, and I do think it would be possible to implement a graph database on top of IndexedDB, I’m just not yet sure how practical it would be.

Good luck!

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