Can an array be specified in an ini file to be parsed using Zend_Config_Ini
someproperty[] = a someproperty[] = b someproperty[] = c someproperty[] = d someproperty[] = e see:
someproperty[] = a someproperty[] = b someproperty[] = c someproperty[] = d someproperty[] = e see:
In order to achieve this, you have to construct the grouped clause within a single call to the where method. If both values of conditions are the same, you can do this: $select->where(‘client_email = ? OR client_email_alt = ?’, $client_email) If there are multiple placeholders within the string, the DB adapter’s quoteInto method will replace … Read more
If you’re using Zend Framework 1.8+, and created your project with the command line tool, then it’s as simple as registering your database settings in your application.ini config file. resources.db.adapter = “PDO_MYSQL” = “” resources.db.params.dbname = “database_name” resources.db.params.username = “username” resources.db.params.password = “password” resources.db.isDefaultTableAdapter = true If your database settings are preceded by resources.db … Read more
The layout is a view, so the method for assigning variables is the same. In your example, if you were to echo $this->whatever in your layout, you should see the same output. One common problem is how to assign variables that you use on every page to your layout, as you wouldn’t want to have … Read more
There are a number of articles you could read that could help: Official documentation – has useful stuff – especially the view quick start View Layers, Database Abstraction, Configuration, Oh, My! – Good intro to View Layer & Db Getting started writing ZF2 modules – Good intro to modules Modules in ZF2 – Another intro … Read more
For hidden field you need only one decorator – ViewHelper: $field = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden(‘id’); $field->setDecorators(array(‘ViewHelper’)); This will render only the input field, without Dt-Dd wrapper and label.
Hi this is realy common. Create an view script like : /views/emails/template.phtml <body> <?php echo $this->name; ?> <h1>Welcome</h1> <?php echo $this->mysite; ?> </body> and when creating the email : // create view object $html = new Zend_View(); $html->setScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . ‘/modules/default/views/emails/’); // assign valeues $html->assign(‘name’, ‘John Doe’); $html->assign(‘site’, ‘’); // create mail object $mail = new … Read more
I would say that you have a problem connecting from PHP to MySQL… Something like PHP trying to find some socket file, and not finding it, maybe ? (I’ve had this problem a couple of times — not sure the error I got was exactly this one, though) If you are running some Linux-based system, … Read more
you can also use it like this: $data = array(1,3,4); $select->where(‘status_id IN(?)’, $data); you dont need to implode array, and it’s safer