where are device screenshots visible in Xcode6?

Six minutes after asking my question I figured out the answer. There’s a tooltip that pops up when hovering over the “Take Screenshot” button. The screenshots get saved directly to the desktop and you’ll see them saved there with the filename format “Screen Shot YYYY-MM-DD at HH.mm.ss AM/PM.png“.

How to disable the target for application extension when building in xcode?

In order to disable building/running the NSExtension you build, you should: Click the project file in the project navigator Click the containing app target (the one you DO want to run) Click Build Phases tab Open Target Dependencies or Embed App Extensions Remove the extension (the one you DON’T want to run) To bring it … Read more

PCH File in Xcode 6

Make new file: ⌘cmd+N iOS/Mac > Other > PCH File > YourProject-Prefix.pch. Make sure you display “All” and not “Basic”. (Blue buttons) Project > Build Settings > Search: “Prefix Header”. Under “Apple LLVM 7.0” you will get the Prefix Header key. Type file directory. e.g: “$(SRCROOT)/$(PROJECT_NAME)/ProjectName-Prefix.pch”. Clean project: ⌘cmd+⇧shift+K Build project: ⌘cmd+B
