How to disable highlight on ListView in Xamarin.Forms

You might try using the ItemTapped event instead, i.e. listSushi.ItemTapped += (object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) => { // don’t do anything if we just de-selected the row. if (e.Item == null) return; // Optionally pause a bit to allow the preselect hint. Task.Delay(500); // Deselect the item. if (sender is ListView lv) lv.SelectedItem = null; … Read more

Xamarin Forms Margins

At Last! Xamarin Forms 2.2.0 includes Margins support! Here are the docs with a great visual. UPD Special for @AUSTX_RJL Margin value is Thickness, just like in any other XAML frameworks. You can set Thickness in XAML by setting one, two or four values separated by comma or whitespace: “1 2 3 4” is same … Read more

Invalid value ‘armeabi’ in $(AndroidSupportedAbis). This ABI is no longer supported. Xamarin.Forms – VS2019

armeabi is deprecated and your Android project should target armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a at a minimum in your release builds destined for the Play Store. You can directly edit your .csproj and remove the armeabi from within the AndroidSupportedAbis tags: <AndroidSupportedAbis>armeabi-v7a;arm64-v8a</AndroidSupportedAbis> Or you can open the Android Build settings in the IDE and it will auto-update … Read more

Change return to be next/done key in Xamarin Forms Shared Project

A custom EntryRenderer can handle changing the keyboard return key description. iOS : UITextField has a ReturnKeyType property that you can set to a preassigned list (see UIReturnType enum). Android : EntryEditText has a ImeOptions property that controls what the “Action” button on the keyboard does and a SetImeActionLabel method that you can use to … Read more

Xamarin.Forms – How to overlay an ActivityIndicator in the middle of a StackLayout programmatically

If you have problems with RelativeLayout, you can also use AbsoluteLayout which works in a similar context. Sample code below: var overlay = new AbsoluteLayout(); var content = new StackLayout(); var loadingIndicator = new ActivityIndicator(); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags(content, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.PositionProportional); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(content, new Rectangle(0f, 0f, AbsoluteLayout.AutoSize, AbsoluteLayout.AutoSize)); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags(loadingIndicator, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.PositionProportional); AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(loadingIndicator, new Rectangle(0.5, 0.5, AbsoluteLayout.AutoSize, AbsoluteLayout.AutoSize)); overlay.Children.Add(content); overlay.Children.Add(loadingIndicator); If you … Read more

Xamarin Auth Store Keychain not working after ios10 upgrade

I was digging through the link Pat sent in the comment: And found a helpfull comment by Pavel Sich, he said: Just make sure you enable the keychain access in Entitlements and select the entitlements for Simulator (Debug) builds too. By default this is not set. In my xamarin solution, I double clicked the … Read more

Release build but debugging enabled

I’m using Visual Studio for Mac and came across this same “Archive built with debugging enabled” warning after creating an archive of the Android project. To fix this, do the following: Go into the Android project options (double-click on the Android project). Select the Compiler options. In the “Debug information” drop-down menu, select None (mine … Read more