How to convert Wifi signal strength from Quality (percent) to RSSI (dBm)?

Wifi Signal Strength Percentage to RSSI dBm Microsoft defines Wifi signal quality in their WLAN_ASSOCIATION_ATTRIBUTES structure as follows: wlanSignalQuality: A percentage value that represents the signal quality of the network. WLAN_SIGNAL_QUALITY is of type ULONG. This member contains a value between 0 and 100. A value of 0 implies an actual RSSI signal strength of … Read more

use “netsh wlan set hostednetwork …” to create a wifi hotspot and the authentication can’t work correctly

Use these commands on a windows command prompt(cmd) with administrator privilege (run as administrator): netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=tests key=tests123 netsh wlan start hostednetwork Then you go to Network and sharing center and click on “change adapter settings” (I’m using windows 7, it can be a little different on windows 8) Then right click … Read more
