Is there any bundle analyzer for vite?

Alternatively, you can use vite-bundle-visualizer, which uses rollup-plugin-visualizer: npx vite-bundle-visualizer Usage # In your vite project’s root $ npx vite-bundle-visualizer # Then open stats.html in browser $ npx vite-bundle-visualizer –help vite-bundle-visualizer Usage: $ vite-bundle-visualizer <command> [options] Options: –template -t <template> Template to use, options are “raw-data” (JSON), “treemap”, “list” (YAML), “sunburst” and “network” (default: treemap) … Read more

vite build always using static paths

This leading path is the base URL, configured by the base option, which is / by default. You can remove the base URL by setting base to an empty string, making the path relative to its deployment directory: // vite.config.js import { defineConfig } from ‘vite’ export default defineConfig({ base: ”, 👈 }) demo