What does ‘Language Construct’ mean?

First, you need to understand what a constructed language Formal Language is. All programming languages are constructed formal languages (read the reference). You may then read a little bit about compiler construction, including this reference as well. Going back to your question, consider this: The English language (a natural language) has tokens ‘A-Z/0-9/,;”…’ which we … Read more

What are the differences between genetic algorithms and genetic programming?

Genetic algorithms (GA) are search algorithms that mimic the process of natural evolution, where each individual is a candidate solution: individuals are generally “raw data” (in whatever encoding format has been defined). Genetic programming (GP) is considered a special case of GA, where each individual is a computer program (not just “raw data”). GP explore … Read more

What is “over-engineering” as applied to software? [closed]

Contrary to most answers, I do not believe that “presently unneeded functionality” is over-engineering; or it is the least problematic form. Like you said, the worst kind of over-engineering is usually committed in the name of future-proofing and extensibility – and achieves the exact opposite: Empty layers of abstraction that are at best unnecessary and … Read more

What’s the difference between a bug tracking and an issue tracking system?

Issue tracking systems usually integrate more with customers and customer issues. An issue could be “help me install this” or “How do I get the fubar into the flim flam.” They could even be something like “I need an evalutation key for your software”. Bug tracking systems help you keep track of wrong or missing … Read more
