How to print the value of a key containing dots

As @martin-ghallager said, one needs to use an external function to access those elements. Helpfully, the standard library already provides the index function (which does exactly what Martin’s dotNotation function does). To use it just write: {{ index .Data “core.value” }} The index function will return a default value in case the key is not … Read more

How to make Jade stop HTML encoding element attributes, and produce a literal string value?

Derick has already mentioned that Jade added new feature for unescape HTML encoding in update, but I’d like to add some addendum for someone who might not recognize. – var html = “<script></script>” | !{html} <– Escaped | #{html} <– Encoded from

Are there any good tutorials for using sitemesh in a grails application?

the g:pageProperty is a very powerful, but very poorly documented thing. Lets say in my layout I specify where to put some content like this: <html> <body> <g:pageProperty name=”page.header” /> </body> Now in my page I can specify some content: <content tag=”header”> <!– header –> </content> Sitemesh will take the content tag, regardless of actual … Read more