Doctrine2: How to set all tables to collate with UTF8

The behavior of collate has changed in doctrine: The collation is now set to utf8_unicode_ci if you don’t specify anything at the table level. The way to go right now is to add it to options in your table declaration: /** * @ORM\Table(options={“collate”=”utf8_swedish_ci”}) * @ORM\Entity */ This will generate the correct collation for the … Read more

Custom rendering of a “repeated” field from Symfony 2 in Twig

After a random guess I solved my own problem. I’ll post it here so others who might come to this question by searching also know the answer: {% for passwordField in form.password %} <div class=”form-field”> {{ form_label(passwordField, null, { ‘attr’: {‘class’: ‘form-label’} }) }} {{ form_widget(passwordField, { ‘attr’: {‘class’: ‘form-input’} }) }} </div> {% endfor … Read more