Svg image element not displaying in Safari

In the <image> tag inside the svg element, href works fine in Chrome. To work in older versions of Safari, you need xlink:href. (Also applies to the <use> tag.) Keep in mind xlink:href is deprecated and is being replaced by href. However, it was not supported until Safari 12. <svg xmlns=”” xmlns:xlink=”” …> <image … Read more

What is the use of g tag?

That’s a pretty important and useful reason. But other reasons you might do it are so you can: apply the same styling (eg. fill=”blue”) to a set of elements, reference to the group of objects from a use. Not to mention the simple organisational reasons.

SVG Namespace prefix xlink for href on image is not defined

The <svg> element is missing the declaration of the xlink namespace, although it is used in the <image> elements. So just added like the following: <svg height=”1000″ preserveaspectratio=”xMidYMid meet” style=”width: 100%; height: 100%; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);” viewbox=”0 0 1000 1000″ width=”1000″ xmlns=”” xmlns:xlink=””> SVG2 deprecated the xlink namespace for href attributes.. So in the … Read more

apple touch icon svg support

Unfortunately iOS doesn’t support SVG icons at the moment. And it will probably not have support soon. Also android doesn’t support it. Update: It looks like Safari is starting to support SVG favicons See: To add a svg icon for pinned tabs within Safari you need to add: <link rel=”mask-icon” href=”” color=”red”>

Commas in SVG path descriptions

Commas are mostly optional and whitespace is also mostly optional. You need one or the other in some cases to say when something ends and the next thing begins i.e. so that 1,1 or 1 1 is not parsed as 11. You can put a single comma between any two numbers so A, 30 50 … Read more

Place text in center of pie chart – Highcharts

Use this code to center chart title vertically: title: { verticalAlign: ‘middle’, floating: true } Example Edit Since version 2.1 The floating property can be omitted as the documentation states it is implied by the presence of the verticalAlign property When a value is given, the title behaves as floating.