Custom syntax in Sublime Text 3

A full discussion of how to create a custom syntax is well outside the bounds of something as simple as a Stack Overflow answer. Also I think you’re making your problem more complicated than it actually is (although creating a syntax is pretty complicated in general). In order to walk you through the steps that … Read more

Sublime Text: disable all packages

The best thing I can think of is to keep a list of the package names that you can copy and paste into your preferences file in the “ignored packages” section. If you have any sort of linter or code intel that might be the culprit if it’s several thousand lines. “ignored_packages”: [ “SublimeCodeIntel”, “Vintage” … Read more

sublime symlink disappeared after upgrading to El Capitan

In El Capitan, you are not allowed to write to /usr/bin, but writing to /usr/local/bin is ok. By default, /usr/local/bin should also be in your path variable. Had the same issue. Deleting and recreating the symlink has fixed the problem. Perhaps the current symlink is pointing to the wrong location after the upgrade. sudo rm … Read more

How can I use a right to left language in “Sublime Text” editor

There is This Plugin But It Does Not Work Properly added by barlop Important Note- As comments indicate, this plugin doesn’t really work. People have issues copy/pasting from sublime into notepad. It’s OK for viewing but that’s not much of an answer. Note, sublime with this plugin might show leters in the correct order … Read more