SSRS 2008 – Dealing with division by zero scenarios

IIf will always evaluate both results before deciding which one to actually return. Try =IIf(Fields!SomeField.Value = 0, 0, Fields!SomeOtherField.Value / IIf(Fields!SomeField.Value = 0, 1, Fields!SomeField.Value)) This will use 1 as the divisor if SomeOtherField.Value = 0, which does not generate an error. The parent IIf will return the correct 0 for the overall expression.

Is there an easy way to rearrange tablix columns in SSRS design mode?

There is a way to move columns through the designer: insert the number of blank columns you want to move in your destination spot shift-left-click on the cells (NOT the header column) you want to move right-click and select the Cut command right-click on top of the destination columns and select Paste delete the now … Read more

In SSRS, why do I get the error “item with same key has already been added” , when I’m making a new report?

It appears that SSRS has an issue(at leastin version 2008) – I’m studying this website that explains it Where it says if you have two columns(from 2 diff. tables) with the same name, then it’ll cause that problem. From source: SELECT a.Field1, a.Field2, a.Field3, b.Field1, b.field99 FROM TableA a JOIN TableB b on a.Field1 = … Read more
