How to restore to a different database in SQL Server?

You can create a new db then use the “Restore Wizard” enabling the Overwrite option or: View the contents of the backup file: RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK=’c:\your.bak’ note the logical names of the .mdf & .ldf from the results, then: RESTORE DATABASE MyTempCopy FROM DISK=’c:\your.bak’ WITH MOVE ‘LogicalNameForTheMDF’ TO ‘c:\MyTempCopy.mdf’, MOVE ‘LogicalNameForTheLDF’ TO ‘c:\MyTempCopy_log.ldf’ This … Read more

Sql Server ‘Saving changes is not permitted’ error ► Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation

From Save (Not Permitted) Dialog Box on MSDN : The Save (Not Permitted) dialog box warns you that saving changes is not permitted because the changes you have made require the listed tables to be dropped and re-created. The following actions might require a table to be re-created: Adding a new column to the middle … Read more
