How to sort LinkedHashMap by values in Kotlin?
map.toList() .sortedBy { (key, value) -> value } .toMap()
map.toList() .sortedBy { (key, value) -> value } .toMap()
Instead of asort, use asorti(source, destination) which sorts the indices into a new array and you won’t have to copy the array. Then you can use the destination array as pointers into the source array. For your example, you would use it like this: n=asorti(chr_count, sorted) for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { print sorted[i] ” : … Read more
You almost had it. You just need to add an order property to your a1 terms aggregations, like this: GET myindex/_search { “size”:0, “aggs”: { “a1”: { “terms”: { “field”: “FIELD1”, “size”:0, “order”: {“a2”: “desc”} <— add this }, “aggs”:{ “a2”:{ “sum”:{ “field”:”FIELD2.SUBFIELD” } } } } } }
You can set LC_COLLATE to traditional sort order just for your command: env LC_COLLATE=C sort tmp This won’t change the current environment just the one in which the sort command executes. You should have the same behaviour with this.
iso_dif/2 is much simpler to implement than a comparison: The built-in \= operator is available You now exactly what arguments to provide to\= Definition Based on your comments, the safe comparison means that the order won’t change if variables in both subterms are instanciated. If we name the comparison lt, we have for example: lt(a(X), … Read more
Depending on what the expected output collection type is (SortedMaps are sorted on the keys), you could use something like this: Map(“foo”->3, “raise”->1, “the”->2, “bar”->4).toList sortBy {_._2} Result would be the list of key/value pairs sorted by the value: List[(java.lang.String, Int)] = List((raise,1), (the,2), (foo,3), (bar,4)) There is a Map type that retains the original … Read more
Try sort=anio:desc. See search API – uri request for a list of parameters.
A table in Lua is a set of key-value mappings with unique keys. The pairs are stored in arbitrary order and therefore the table is not sorted in any way. What you can do is iterate over the table in some order. The basic pairs gives you no guarantee of the order in which the … Read more
You should be able to use the @ORM\OrderBy statement which allows you to specify columns to order collections on: /** * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity=”BizTV\ContentManagementBundle\Entity\Content”, mappedBy=”container”) * @ORM\OrderBy({“sort_order” = “ASC”}) */ private $content; In fact this may be a duplicate of How to OrderBy on OneToMany/ManyToOne Edit Checking for implementation advice it appears that you must fetch the … Read more
For emitting more than one piece of data in a key, you’ll want to read up on Complex Keys. You’ll most likely end up emit()‘ing a key that is an array made up of the category and tag. For example… function(doc) { for(var i = 0; i < doc.tags.length; i++) emit([doc.category, doc.tags[i]], doc); } Now … Read more