“Singleton” factories, ok or bad?

It really depends on what you’re doing and the scope of your application. If it’s just a fairly small app and it’s never going to grow beyond this, then your current approach may well be fine. There is no universal “best” practice for these things. While I wouldn’t recommend using singletons for anything other than … Read more

ok , global variable is condemned, singleton is despised, what’s the alternative?

A static class with static data members? But who cares. Static data members are just global variables with more politically correct packaging. Don’t let fashion override your common sense. There’s nothing wrong with using a plain old global variable. The singleton pattern is often overkill and annoying to type, and annoying when you are single … Read more

Singleton with properties in Swift 3

For me this is the best way, make init private. Swift 3 \ 4 \ 5 syntax // MARK: – Singleton final class Singleton { // Can’t init is singleton private init() { } // MARK: Shared Instance static let shared = Singleton() // MARK: Local Variable var emptyStringArray = [String]() }

How to define Singleton in TypeScript

Since TS 2.0, we have the ability to define visibility modifiers on constructors, so now we can do singletons in TypeScript just like we are used to from other languages. Example given: class MyClass { private static _instance: MyClass; private constructor() { //… } public static get Instance() { // Do you need arguments? Make … Read more