What’s a good, free serial port monitor for reverse-engineering? [closed]

I hear a lot of good things about com0com, which is a software port emulator. You can “connect” a physical serial port through it, so that your software uses the (monitored) virtual port, and forwards all traffic to/from a physical port. I haven’t used it myself, but I’ve seen it recommended here on SO a … Read more

Sysinternals’ Portmon: Error 2

Sysinternals’ Portmon works only on 32-bit versions of Windows. It does not support 64-bit (probably its driver is not signed). From the Portmon homepage: Runs on: Client: Windows XP (32-bit) and higher (32-bit). Server: Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) and higher (32-bit).

How to send characters in PuTTY serial communication only when pressing enter?

The settings you need are “Local echo” and “Line editing” under the “Terminal” category on the left. To get the characters to display on the screen as you enter them, set “Local echo” to “Force on”. To get the terminal to not send the command until you press Enter, set “Local line editing” to “Force … Read more