rsync –delete –files-from=list / dest/ does not delete unwanted files

Perhaps you could do this using a list of include patterns instead, and use –delete-excluded (which does as the name suggests)? Something like: rsync -r –include-from=<patternlistfile> –exclude=* –delete-excluded / dest/ If filenames are likely to contain wildcard characters (*, ? and [) then you may need to modify the Python to escape them: re.sub(“([[*?])”, r”\\\1″, … Read more

read input from a file and sync accordingly

There is more than one way to answer this question depending on how you want to copy these files. If your intent is to copy the file list with absolute paths, then it might look something like: rsync -av –files-from=/path/to/files.txt / /destination/path/ …This would expect the paths to be relative to the source location of … Read more

Rsync Encryption

If you use the rsync:// protocol scheme (i.e. when you connect to a rsyncd daemon) then no encryption will be used (although password authentication is done using a MD4-based challenge-response system and is probably still reasonably secure). If you use the hostname:/some/path scheme then rsync transparently calls SSH, which encrypts everything, and uses SSH’s native … Read more

How to force rsync to create destination folder

I ran into same issue today and found the solution here. You can either do: rsync -avR foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/ or: rsync -avR somedir/./foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/ to create /tmp/foo/bar/baz.c in the remote machine. see –relative/-R section of man rsync for more details.

rsync delete files on sending side after transfer

You need to pass the –remove-source-files option to the rsync command. It tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files (meaning non-directories) that are a part of the transfer and have been successfully duplicated on the receiving side. Do not pass the –delete option to rsync command as it delete extraneous files from … Read more

What do the numbers in rsync’s output mean?

When the file transfer finishes, rsync replaces the progress line with a summary line that looks like this: 1238099 100% 146.38kB/s 0:00:08 (xfer#5, to-check=169/396) In this example, the file was 1238099 bytes long in total, the average rate of transfer for the whole file was 146.38 kilobytes per second over the 8 seconds that it … Read more

rsync multiple remote directories to local machine preserving directory paths

Directly from the rsync man page: The syntax for requesting multiple files from a remote host is done by specifying additional remote-host args in the same style as the first, or with the hostname omitted. For instance, all these work: rsync -av host:file1 :file2 host:file{3,4} /dest/ rsync -av host::modname/file{1,2} host::modname/file3 /dest/ rsync -av host::modname/file1 ::modname/file{3,4} … Read more

How do I synchronize in both directions?

Just run it twice, with “newer” mode (-u or –update flag) plus -t (to copy file modified time), -r (for recursive folders), and -v (for verbose output to see what it is doing): rsync -rtuv /path/to/dir_a/* /path/to/dir_b rsync -rtuv /path/to/dir_b/* /path/to/dir_a This won’t handle deletes, but I’m not sure there is a good solution to … Read more