How can I run Redis in the background?
Or run the following /usr/local/bin/redis-server –daemonize yes
Or run the following /usr/local/bin/redis-server –daemonize yes
If your goal is to check if Bob is used as a name for the account abc the solution should be something like: Sample Data { “account”: “abc”, “name”: “Bob”, “lname”: “Smith” } { “account”: “abc”, “name”: “Sam”, “lname”: “Wilson” } { “account”: “abc”, “name”: “Joe”} Do this (using a redis set): SADD abc:name Bob … Read more
The KEEPTTL option will be added to SET in redis>=6.0 The SET command supports a set of options that modify its behavior: EX seconds — Set the specified expire time, in seconds. PX milliseconds — Set the specified expire time, in milliseconds. NX — Only set the key if it does not already … Read more
Does this mean that practically, I’m getting backups every 60 seconds? NO. Redis does a background save after 60 seconds, if there’re at least 10000 keys have been changed. Otherwise, it doesn’t do a background save. Will using appendonly on and appendfsync everysec cause a performance downgrade? Will it hit the CPU? The write load … Read more
It seems that you use the same jedis client for subscribe and publish. You just need to create another client and one is for subscribe and the other is for publish
One of the things you learn fast while working with redis is that you get to design your data structure around your accessing needs, specially when it comes to relations (it’s not a relational database after all) There is no way to search by “value” with a O(1) time complexity as you already noticed, but … Read more
From Redis is very data backup friendly since you can copy RDB files while the database is running: the RDB is never modified once produced, and while it gets produced it uses a temporary name and is renamed into its final destination atomically using rename(2) only when the new snapshot is complete. So, the … Read more
You could use the type command:
It could be that your Redis configuration has renamed some commands to prevent your database from being accidentaly deleted. Look for the following lines in your redis.conf: rename-command FLUSHDB “” rename-command FLUSHALL “”
You can use SET and Hash and SORT in combination redis> HMSET TEST_12345 name “Post A” val2 “Blah Blah” val3 “Blah Blah Blah” OK redis> HMSET TEST_54321 name “Post B” val2 “Blah Blah” val3 “Blah Blah Blah” OK redis> HMSET TEST_998877 name “Post C” val2 “Blah Blah” val3 “Blah Blah Blah” OK … Read more