what’s the alternative to password grant now that it is deprecated? OAUTH 2.0

To summarize your situation: You have your own backend (server of some kind, such as a web application implementing a REST API) where users should be able to login using a username and password to obtain an access token giving their access to their own resources on the server, and they should be able to … Read more

Getting Server Rejected error when upload using Google Picker, Oauth2

Give us a little more code, or check the call to gapi.auth.authorize() Check that you are using the correct scope to obtain the OAuth token. Scope should be https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive Double-Check the scope declaration: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2Login#sendauthrequest Check the call to gapi.auth.authorize() window.gapi.auth.authorize( { ‘client_id’: clientId, ‘scope’: scope, ‘immediate’: false }, handleAuthResult); from: https://developers.google.com/picker/docs/#hiworld Without an actual code … Read more

Google APIs Console – missing client secret

It seems that Google finally ditched the unnecessary client_secret for installable applications and is not yet up-to-date with their documentation. You should check if you already get an access_token in the initial OAuth request like it’s handled on Facebook. Another possibility would be to fall back to using a Simple API Access key. Update: First … Read more

Why are Refresh Tokens considered insecure for an SPA?

There are a lot of misunderstandings about both cookies and refresh tokens and OAuth2. First, it is not true that only confidential clients can use a refresh token. The OAuth2 protocol says that confidential clients must authenticate, but does not require confidential clients. Ergo, client authentication is optional on the refresh operation. See RFC 6749, … Read more
