Disable automatic doubling of quotes in Notepad++

Notepad++ has a setting that controls the auto-completion behavior. Settings -> Preferences -> Auto-Completion ->Auto-Insert Edit: Your requirement: We need to type quotes twice for them to appear and when they do appear, there are two of them. This behavior is controlled by Keyboard language settings in Control Panel. Go to Control Panel -> Regional … Read more

Notepad plus plus shortcut for reloading files

Steps for mapping a keyboard shortcut for reloading files in n++. First open Notepad++ application Now go to Settings tab >Shortcut mapper Now here select the first tab which is main menu You can find the “reload from disk” option under the selected options. Note: Typically this is amongst the top commands, e.g. item #6. … Read more

Keyboard shortcut to navigate Back Forward in Notepad++

There’s a plug-in Location Navigate, which enables you to navigate between your last edit/view points. ..Can use shortcut (ctrl + – for back position and ctrl + shift + – for forward position) to jump code back and forward.. The plug-in SourceCookifier comes with a navigation history, but it only remembers the jumps between symbols. … Read more