How to use vue.js with Nginx?

Add the following code to your Nginx Config, as detailed in the VueRouter docs, here: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; } Also, you need to enable history mode on VueRouter: const router = new VueRouter({ mode: ‘history’, routes: […] })

nginx proxy pass subpaths not redirected

References to nginx docs: HttpCoreModule#location, HttpProxyModule#proxy_pass. There is a better way than using regex (which is slow) for location match. In this case, you could use ^~ to tell nginx to match the given prefix /mail before doing any regex match. You also don’t need that rewrite rule because proxy_pass can do that simple rewrite … Read more

Add nginx.conf to Kubernetes cluster

You can create a ConfigMap object and then mount the values as files where you need them: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nginx-config data: nginx.conf: | your config comes here like this other.conf: | second file contents And in you pod spec: spec: containers: – name: nginx image: nginx volumeMounts: – name: nginx-config mountPath: … Read more

Nginx Ip Whitelist

There are two ways I know you could solve this problem. Allow-list in separated config: Works on all common NginX installs You can place all of the allow statements in a simple text file, per site, that contains nothing but allow statements. Include that under the client’s server block. Use scripts as needed to alter … Read more

How to Remove Client Headers in Nginx before passing request to upstream server?

The proxy_set_header HEADER “” does exactly what you expect. See If the value of a header field is an empty string then this field will not be passed to a proxied server: proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding “”; I have just confirmed this is working as documented, I used Nginx v1.12.

Docker Nginx Proxy: how to route traffic to different container using path and not hostname

In case if somebody is still looking for the answer. jwilder/nginx-proxy allows you to use custom Nginx configuration either a proxy-wide or per-VIRTUAL_HOST basis. Here’s how can you do it with Per-VIRTUAL_HOST location configuration. Inside your poject folder create another folder – “vhost.d”. Create file “whoami.local” with custom nginx configuration inside “vhost.d” folder. This file … Read more