How to do reporting with MongoDB?

While Pentaho and Jaspersoft and other legacy reporting solutions have ways to pump data out of MongoDB, there are two newer solutions designed explicitly for analytics and reporting on MongoDB data: JSON Studio. This is a commercial solution that lets you visually build aggregation pipelines and connect them to charts. SlamData. This is an open … Read more

Windows MongoDB – Installed Compass but can’t find Compass within system

For some reason in Windows 10 it is installed into the hidden AppData directory. At least I found first a shortcut ‘MongoDB Compass’ here: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\MongoDB Inc and then in the properties of it the actual location seems to be C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\MongoDBCompass\MongoDBCompass.exe

MongoError: This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable writes. Please add retryWrites=false to your connection string

As suggested in accepted answer, you need to have your local server to be run as a replica set to be able to perform transactions, as opposed to standalone server. However, in addition to the proposed solution, you can easily convert your Standalone local db to a Replica Set without using any third-party tool, by … Read more

Docker mongodb config file

I’m using the mongodb 3.4 official docker image. Since the mongod doesn’t read a config file by default, this is how I start the mongod service: docker run -d –name mongodb-test -p 37017:27017 \ -v /home/sa/data/mongod.conf:/etc/mongod.conf \ -v /home/sa/data/db:/data/db mongo –config /etc/mongod.conf removing -d will show you the initialization of the container Using a docker-compose.yml: … Read more
