The audience is invalid error

See here for what this claim is about: The aud (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. Each principal intended to process the JWT MUST identify itself with a value in the audience claim. If the principal processing the claim does not identify itself with a value in the aud claim … Read more

Why and when should we use JSON Web Tokens?

So my question is: are my assumptions correct? I’m confused about when I would need to use jwt and the benefits over the current/actual solutions You’ve covered the propaganda and marketing, now let’s take a moment to realise what problems JWT solve. What JWT is not When you verify a token, you have checked that … Read more

Where to store user id in jwt

The sub claim is the right claim for the user identifier. The aud claim identifies the intended recipient of the JWT and the iss identifies the issuer/creator. Any other interpretations of these claims are not standard compliant, see:

JWT and CSRF differences

An authentication system based on tokens (JWT or random) stored in cookies is vulnerable to CSRF attacks, because cookies are sent automatically to server in each request and an attacker could build a harmful url link to your site. To protect your site it is needed to use a CSRF token that your application … Read more

JWT Private / Public Key Confusion

With JWT, the possession and the use of the key materials are exactly the same as any other contexts where cypher operations occur. For signing: The private key is owned by the issuer and is used to compute the signature. The public key can be shared with all parties that need to verify the signature. … Read more

Usage of nbf in json web tokens

It definitely is up to how you interpret the time. One of possible scenarios I could make up is literally – when a token must last from some particular point in time til another point in time. Say, you’re selling some API or resource. And a client purchased access that lasts for one hour and … Read more

Why header and payload in the JWT token always starts with eyJ

JWTs consist of base64url encoded JSON, and a JSON structure just starts with {“…, which becomes ey…when encoded with a base64 encoder. The JWT header starts with {“alg”:…, which then becomes eyJ… You can try on this online encoder and enter {“alg” and click on encode. The result will be eyJhbGciPSA=