Really confused with Jupyter Notebook, Lab, extensions, and ipywidgets

In general, stackoverflow question should try to only ask one question at the time. That being said, I’ll try to answer the questions as best I can: ipywidgets is the main way, yes. It is what people mean when they talk about notebook widgets. There is an issue tracking general JS in jupyterlab on the … Read more

read-only cells in ipython/jupyter notebook

@Richard Ackon’s answer requires adjustments for JupyterLab: Open the Property Inspector. Focus the cell you want to lock. Add the following lines to the Cell Metadata: { “trusted”: true, “editable”: false, “deletable”: false } Click on the tick to save the metadata… Tadah!, your cell can’t be modified or deleted. The Property Inspector comes built-in … Read more

LaTeX error related to tcolorbox.sty not found

After installing tcolorbox using LaTex’s package manager tlmgr, I was getting similar errors for other dependencies. The solution below worked for me on Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) at the terminal: tlmgr update –all –self tlmgr install tcolorbox tlmgr install pgf tlmgr install xcolor tlmgr install environ tlmgr install trimspaces tlmgr install mathpazo tlmgr install parskip … Read more

Ipywidgets with Google Colaboratory

Update 2: core ipywidgets now work in Colab, as do many custom widgets! In particular, the base, controls, FileUpload, Image, and output widgets all work in colab. See for more details. (Tweaked original answer): ipywidgets don’t Just Work with Colab: we have a different security model, wherein each output is in its own iframe … Read more

How to run a jupyter notebook through a remote server on local machine?

There’s quite a good tutorial here Essentially you just run the notebook on the remote in no browser mode. jupyter notebook –no-browser –port=8080 Then setup up an ssh tunnel from the local machine: ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 <REMOTE_USER>@<REMOTE_HOST> Then in your local browser go to: http://localhost:8080/ EDIT: Running on a specific port is not necessary. The … Read more

Can I use github-copilot strait on jupyter-lab/notebook?

Not an answer, but too long for a comment. There does not seem to be as of mid 2022 an implementation. Copilot uses an underlying tool, OpenAI Codex, which has a model called codex-davinci-002, which can do code completion. (it’s worth noting that OpenAI also have a model confusingly called text-davinci-002 which converts natural … Read more