iOS simulator home button double tap (to open task manager) often fails
just prass this command + shift + H + H Xcode 9
just prass this command + shift + H + H Xcode 9
The iOS simulator can run your app in 32 and 64-bit modes. This allows you to work out a lot of 64-bit issues and make sure it is ready for both armv7 and arm64. To do this, it compiles your app for i386 and x86_64 and requires the libraries for both architectures.
QuickTime itself does not seem to offer this functionality therefore you have to resort to some other means to hide the cursor. On OSX there are some tools that allow this. Cursourcerer is the first that springs to mind. However, as this really hides the cursor, it might not be ideal as you yourself will … Read more
UIActionSheet is a UIView subclass, so you can set the frame of it if you want. I just tested it and setting the frame has the desired effect.
Cmd–Shift–H (wasn’t obvious to me too when I first opened it)
Try to reset iOS 6.1 simulator from menu “iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings…”, then run your app in XCode. This helped me.
The accepted answer did not work for me, restarting OSX fixed the issue
The list of available simulators is dictated by three factors: It will not show you simulators whose iOS version is prior to that of your current app’s deployment target. If you want to see some recent, prior iOS simulators, make sure your app’s deployment target is set accordingly. If you go to Xcode “Preferences” – … Read more
For people who need to scale the window size of the simulator, turn off “Optimize Rendering for Window Scale”. It’s under “Debug” menu. It would give you the screenshots of the device dimension.
Solved the problem Deleting contents of ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator and re-run the project solved this problem. or you can simply reset content and setting of the simulator.