Unicorn exit timeout on Heroku after trapping TERM and sending QUIT

I think your custom signal handling is what’s causing the timeouts here. EDIT: I’m getting downvoted for disagreeing with Heroku’s documentation and I’d like to address this. Configuring your Unicorn application to catch and swallow the TERM signal is the most likely cause of your application hanging and not shutting down correctly. Heroku seems to … Read more

How to attach my repo to heroku app

If you’ve heroku toolbelt: If you’re using the Heroku Toolbelt, the newer syntax is heroku git:remote -a project See this for more. Credits: user101289‘s solution Else if you don’t have heroku toolbelt: First do this: git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:{heroku-app-name}.git Then do this: git push heroku master heroku open

How do I set up DNS for an apex domain (no www) pointing to a Heroku app?

(Note: root, base, apex domains are all the same thing. Using interchangeably for google-foo.) Traditionally, to point your apex domain you’d use an A record pointing to your server’s IP. This solution doesn’t scale and isn’t viable for a cloud platform like Heroku, where multiple and frequently changing backends are responsible for responding to requests. … Read more

Set up Heroku and GoDaddy? [closed]

[Updated 31.10.2014] Allright! It works! Here is how I did it from scratch, so others with the same problem can fix it too. First I will explain how to setup Heroku and GoDaddy, then I will explain how to create a naked domain (www.example.com -> example.com). Setup Heroku and GoDaddy: In your project folder in … Read more