How should I interpret Heroku H18 errors?

This typically indicates either that the user’s network was disconnected (e.g. this happens with some frequency for mobile users) or the end-user closed their browser or similar (e.g. pressed Stop, went to a different page, etc). You can safely ignore those that are tagged as being client-end in nature with “sock=client”, but might want to … Read more

Killing abandoned process on Heroku

I noticed a new ps:stop command added to the Heroku command line client a few days ago: I’m not sure if that change made it into version 2.9.0 but it would be worth a try. Update This is now in the Heroku Toolbelt. Just run: heroku ps:stop <process id from heroku ps> Example: heroku … Read more

Foreman: Use different Procfile in development and production

You could use two Procfiles (e.g. Procfile and and use foremans -f option to select a different one to use in dev: In dev ( contains your shotgun web process): foreman start -f In production, foreman start will pick up the normal Procfile. Alternatively you could create a bin directory in your app … Read more

Heroku does NOT compile files under assets pipelines in Rails 4

Heroku’s asset plugins no longer work since Rails 4 does not support plugins. You need to use Heroku’s asset gems instead. Place this in your Gemfile: group :production do gem ‘rails_log_stdout’, github: ‘heroku/rails_log_stdout’ gem ‘rails3_serve_static_assets’, github: ‘heroku/rails3_serve_static_assets’ end Follow Heroku’s guide on getting started with Rails 4. Update (07/22/2013): Heroku now supplies a different gem … Read more