Clear Heroku logs (command)

heroku restart will clear logs – although if you’re running in production you may not want to do this on a whim 😀 Other than that you can use the advanced logging addon (Syslog drains), which gives you the ability to clear the logs: deprecated heroku logs:drains clear Update 2019/08/07 heroku drains More info:

SSH tunneling from Heroku

Yes, you can. Having now gone down this path: yes, it is possible to set up an SSH tunnel from heroku to an external database. [NOTE: My particular app was written in Ruby on Rails, but the solution given here should work for any language hosted on Heroku.] Statement of the problem I am running … Read more

What exactly is dyno hour on Heroku?

From documentation: “Heroku usage is computed from wall-clock time, not CPU time. This means that usage accumulates over time as long as dynos are enabled, regardless of traffic or activity.” 750 hrs is enough to cover any single dyno for an entire month. Essentially “non-production” apps are free in that regard. (unless you have … Read more