External API call in Google Spreedsheet is possible?

There’s a way to make API calls and have the results go into a spreadsheet – the only way I know to do it is create/open the target spreadsheet, go to tools and then Script editor, and use this as a bound script: function Maestro() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); //get active spreadsheet (bound to … Read more

Generate all possible combinations for Columns(cross join or Cartesian product)

in post-pandemic new world we can solve this with: =INDEX(FLATTEN(A2:A3&” “&TRANSPOSE(B2:B4))) to account for future expansion we can do: =INDEX(FLATTEN(FILTER(A2:A; A2:A<>””)&” “&TRANSPOSE(FILTER(B2:B; B2:B<>””)))) for 3 columns: =INDEX(FLATTEN(FLATTEN( FILTER(A2:A; A2:A<>””)&” “&TRANSPOSE( FILTER(B2:B; B2:B<>””)))&” “&TRANSPOSE( FILTER(C2:C; C2:C<>””)))) 4 columns: =INDEX(FLATTEN(FLATTEN(FLATTEN( FILTER(A2:A; A2:A<>””)&” “&TRANSPOSE( FILTER(B2:B; B2:B<>””)))&” “&TRANSPOSE( FILTER(C2:C; C2:C<>””)))&” “&TRANSPOSE( FILTER(D2:D; D2:D<>””)))) for more see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/74160711/5632629

Automatic colouring of a specific value wherever found in a table [closed]

In the dropdown menu, Format->Conditional formatting… Then set your rules and your color. You can select multiple cells and do this also. Edit: That is the extent of what you can do with coloring. You can maybe find a complex formula to find the minimum of the cells, and then if that matches what is … Read more

GoogleFinance often returns #N/A and internal error messages while getting stock quotes

you can either use alternative to GOOGLEFINANCE (depends on what exactly are you up to) or if you want to stick with it you can wrap it into IFERROR: =IFERROR(GOOGLEFINANCE(your_formula_here), GOOGLEFINANCE(same_formula_here)) or even: =IFERROR(IFERROR( GOOGLEFINANCE(your_formula_here), GOOGLEFINANCE(same_formula_here)), GOOGLEFINANCE(same_formula_here))

Google sheet embed URL documentation

Here are some of the parameters I found for Google Docs (thanks goes to Joel http://obstruction.tumblr.com/post/60784440737/google-docs-url-parameters-rm-minimal-rm-full): Google Docs URL parameters: rm=minimal rm=full rm=embedded rm=demo rm=(render mode) ui=2 (select the interface version) chrome=false (full screen mode) frameborder=(size of border) q=(Whatever) Search Query gid=24 (Which sheet you want to display) widget=false single=true range=A2:AA26 Output=html format=(export spreadsheet) format=xlsx … Read more

Google sheets duration to seconds

To convert duration to an integer expressing the number of seconds, use a formula such as =value(A1*24*3600) Time values are recorded so that 1 is one day. Multiplying by 24 (hours/day) and 3600 (seconds/hour) converts that to seconds. Then value makes it a number rather than duration. Old answer, about formatting only. You don’t need … Read more