Google spreadsheet direct download link for only ONE sheet as excel

You can download a specific sheet using the ‘GID’. Each sheet has a GID, you can find GID of specific sheet in the URL of spreadsheet. Then you can use this link to download specific sheet –<KEY>/export?format=xlsx&gid=<GID> ex: KEY is the unique ID of the spreadsheet. source:

In Google sheets, how does one either return a blank cell or perform a function based on another cells lack of content?

If you want to end up with a truly ‘blank’ value, you can use the expression IFERROR(0/0). This is different from an empty string which is what you get when you use “”. A cell with an empty string will not test true using ISBLANK(), but IFERROR(0/0) will. For example: =IF(ISBLANK(A1),IFERROR(0/0),”not blank”) How this works: … Read more


The specific instructions for what you are looking for are in here: Remember your Google Spreadsheets Formulas might use semicolon (;) instead of comma (,) depending on Regional Settings. Once made the replacement on some examples would look like this: =GoogleFinance(“CURRENCY:USDEUR”) =INDEX(GoogleFinance(“USDEUR”,”price”,today()-30,TODAY()),2,2) =SPARKLINE(GoogleFinance(“USDEUR”,”price”,today()-30,today())) Those 3 cells would result in something like this (the second … Read more

Is it possible to automate Google Spreadsheets Scripts (e.g. without an event to trigger them)?

Now it is possible to add time based events. from: Edit -> Current project’s triggers. You see a panel with the message No triggers set up. Click here to add one now. Click the link. Under Run, select the function you want executed on schedule. Under Events, select Time-driven. On the first drop-down list … Read more