Google Play console reporting crashes from unreleased applications

As we are interested in publishing only release applications, we may adopt following strategy to get rid of messing up crash reports : ./build.gradle : android { … defaultConfig { applicationId “” … } … buildTypes { release { … } debug { … applicationIdSuffix “.dev” } } … }

Delete a Closed Track in Google Play Console

It isn’t exactly possible right now. However, you can: click on the ‘Manage’ button expand the ‘Managed testers’ card click on the ‘Deactivate track’ button. The track will go in a ‘Deactivated tracks’ list in the ‘App Releases’ page.” It’s not totally deleted, but that might be enough for you. I’ve sent the feedback to … Read more

You must let us know whether your app is a COVID-19 contact tracing or status app on App on Play Store

Click on Policy -> App content in the Google Play Console (at the bottom of the left menu). In your browser, you should have a URL like:…/app/…/app-content/summary Remove summary from the URL, and paste regulated-health-apps instead. You should see a form like: Select the appropriate checkbox(es), save that form, and publish your app again.

How can I switch language in google play? [closed]

Answer below the dotted line below is the original that’s now outdated. Here is the latest information ( Thank you @deadfish ): add &hl=<language> like &hl=pl or &hl=en example: or All available languages and abbreviations can be looked up here: ……………………………………………………………. To change the actual local market: Basically the market is determined … Read more