What are the differences between genetic algorithms and evolution strategies?

In evolution strategies, the individuals are coded as vectors of real numbers. On reproduction, parents are selected randomly and the fittest offsprings are selected and inserted in the next generation. ES individuals are self-adapting. The step size or “mutation strength” is encoded in the individual, so good parameters get to the next generation by selecting … Read more

Have you ever used a genetic algorithm in real-world applications?

Genetic Algorithms have been widely used commercially. Optimizing train routing was an early application. More recently fighter planes have used GAs to optimize wing designs. I have used GAs extensively at work to generate solutions to problems that have an extremely large search space. Many problems are unlikely to benefit from GAs. I disagree with … Read more

Roulette Selection in Genetic Algorithms

It’s been a few years since i’ve done this myself, however the following pseudo code was found easily enough on google. for all members of population sum += fitness of this individual end for for all members of population probability = sum of probabilities + (fitness / sum) sum of probabilities += probability end for … Read more