How to reset filters in Fiddler?

From the comments, we’ve confirmed that your confusion arises from the fact that Sessions which have been deleted by filters cannot be recovered. The point of filters, beyond helping to limit what you see, is that they reduce Fiddler’s memory usage since unwanted data need not be stored. Obviously, if you’ve previously saved the traffic … Read more

Simulate network speeds using Fiddler

This is simply a math problem. Assuming that content is available instantly (e.g. you’re playing it back from the AutoResponder) then the only delay is controlled by request-trickle-delay and response-trickle-delay flags. There are 1000 milliseconds per second. So, if you want to gate the connection to 1 megabyte per second, you would use a delay … Read more

Using Fiddler with IIS7 Express

This has nothing to do with IIS7 Express and everything to do with the fact that you’re using loopback traffic. Ref: Click Rules > Customize Rules. Update your Rules file like so: static function OnBeforeRequest(oSession:Fiddler.Session) { if (oSession.HostnameIs(“MYAPP”)) { = “localhost:portnumber”; } } Then, just visit http://myapp in your browser. Or use the … Read more

Fiddler – tunnelled http requests to port 443

You should start by reading this thread, which explains what a HTTP CONNECT Tunnel is:!topic/httpfiddler/RCkzE3HhhxY Since you have enabled decryption, if you’re not seeing any HTTPS traffic in Fiddler, you either have a Filter enabled (click Help > Troubleshoot Filters) or you have not configured Windows to trust the Fiddler root certificate and hence … Read more
