Word-wrap grid cells in Ext JS

If you only want to apply the wrapping to one column, you can add a custom renderer. Here is the function to add: function columnWrap(val){ return ‘<div style=”white-space:normal !important;”>’+ val +'</div>’; } Then add the renderer: columnWrap to each column you want to wrap new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ […], columns:[{ id: ‘someID’, header: “someHeader”, dataIndex: ‘someID’, hidden: … Read more

Extjs 4 combobox default value

I had the same problem, afaik has to do with selectlist rendering before the items are added to the store. I tried the callback method mentioned above without any luck (guess it would have to be a callback on the selectlist rather than the store). I added this line after adding items to the store … Read more

ExtJS 4: Models with Associations and Stores

Konrad. I recently faced with dealing with Models+Associations+Stores. This wasn’t very pleasent experience. Here is what I’ve learned: Let’s say we have Store1, Store2, Model1, Model2, Grid1, Grid2. Grid1 uses Store1, Store1 uses Model1 and similarly Grid2 uses Store2, Store2 uses Model2. So far all is working, data is loading and so on. But now … Read more

How to wait until all stores are loaded in ExtJs?

Use the store.isLoading() method, I think that is what it is for. I use it and it works fine. Configure the stores that you want to be loaded before performing some logic with a storeId config. Put these storeIds into an array. Whenever one of these stores is loaded iterate through the array, lookup the … Read more

Best practice for overriding classes / properties in ExtJS?

For clarification: By real class modification I mean a intended permanent modification/extension of a class, which should always be done by extending a class. But it is not a temporary solution for just a specific problem (bug-fix, etc.). You have at least four options how to override members of (Ext) Classes prototype I guess is … Read more

Gradle — execute multiple commands from task

You can use the second way to declare task types on gradle. task senchaCmdBuild { doLast { exec { workingDir ‘src/main/app/MYAPP’ commandLine ‘cmd’, ‘c’, ‘sencha app build’ } exec { workingDir ‘src/main/app/MYOTHERAPP’ commandLine ‘cmd’, ‘c’, ‘sencha app build’ } } } You need put the exec method in doLast in order to be executed only … Read more