Invalid object name ‘dbo.__MigrationHistory’ using Database.Create; EF6.02 when connection string is passed in

This happens because EF does some probing for the __MigrationsHistory table. For instance you can use EF with an existing database that was not created using EF Migrations but EF has no way of knowing it so it tries to connect to the database and uses the table to check this. If the table does … Read more

Adding ADO.Net Entity Framework gives “The project’s target framework does not contain Entity Framework runtime assemblies”

I know that almost all the other answers recommends to change the target framework, but some users (including me) needs to use .NET 6.0 instead of .NET Framework, so that solution its not valid for us. I was able to create the models by using Paul Sinnema’s link and using SQL authentication instead of Windows … Read more

How to update record using Entity Framework Core?

To update an entity with Entity Framework Core, this is the logical process: Create instance for DbContext class Retrieve entity by key Make changes on entity’s properties Save changes Update() method in DbContext: Begins tracking the given entity in the Modified state such that it will be updated in the database when SaveChanges() is called. … Read more
