‘Cannot create project content in workspace’ when trying to recreate a project

As described by this message on the Eclipse forums, the project location you are selecting is already in your workspace. The “create from existing” feature needs to have the source located outside the workspace. You need to either move the source out of the workspace or create a New project giving the folder containing the … Read more

EGit requires org.eclipse.team.core

The “EGit Import Support” feature requires Eclipse 3.8, 4.2 or higher. Just deselect the checkbox, and installing should work. See here about the feature: http://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/New_and_Noteworthy/2.0#Support_for_Eclipse-SourceReferences_manifest_headers

The selected entry in Eclipse content assist is unreadable because of colours

Not sure if it’s still in time but this might help all of you who are having the same problem, as I had: Create a file ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and add this content to the file: style “eclipse_fix” { base[ACTIVE] = shade(0.7, “#4283d3”) } class “GtkTreeView” style “eclipse_fix” Then just set Unity a new theme (in Configuration … Read more

Configure Eclipse word-boundaries so ‘Next-Word-Key’ skips whole identifier

Try and unselect the option: Preferences / Java / Editor / Smart caret positioning in Java names And see if that enhances the user experience in term of cursor positioning. If this is not Java, you have a similar option in: Preferences / General / Editors / Text Editors / Smart caret positioning at line … Read more

Locking is not possible in the directory C:\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi

This has to do with running Eclipse in a multi-user environment, first read this Eclipse help section on multi user installations. When Eclipse was installed, it was done so as an admin account. This meant that the configuration folder was accessible and Eclipse thought this was a shared configuration or private install. Because of this … Read more
