How do you manage per-environment data in Docker-based microservices?

Docker compose supports extending compose files, which is very useful for overriding specific parts of your configuration. This is very useful at least for development environments and may be useful in small deployments too. The idea is having a base shared compose file you can override for different teams or environments. You can combine that … Read more

Jboss 7 war deployment failed

Well I tried deleting the log file, it helped at the beginning but then I got the error again. The proper solution is as following: Go to Jboss_installation_dir\standalone\configuration and find the file standalone.xml. Change the following line: <subsystem xmlns=”urn:jboss:domain:deployment-scanner:1.0″> <deployment-scanner scan-interval=”5000″ relative-to=”jboss.server.base.dir” path=”deployments” /> </subsystem> into: <subsystem xmlns=”urn:jboss:domain:deployment-scanner:1.0″> <deployment-scanner scan-interval=”5000″ relative-to=”jboss.server.base.dir” path=”deployments” deployment-timeout=”1000″ /> </subsystem> … Read more

Can Nexus or Artifactory store simple tar.gz artifacts?

Both Artifactory and Nexus can handle any type of file, as they both are “Binary Repository Managers”. Albeit that, Nexus can technically store any file, but lacks support for binaries that do not adhere to the Maven repository layout. For example, such files will not be indexed and cannot be retrieved in searches; Also, if … Read more

What Does a Standard “Installation” actually do?

You’re really looking at a lot of legacy reasons all rolled into what has become standard practice in the Windows world. First, some contrast, because it isn’t always this way. An “application” in Mac OS X is simply a directory with a certain structure inside it, named with a .app extension. Installing an application is … Read more

Moving app to production mode in Symfony 2

Couple more things to consider: php app/console cache:clear –env=prod –no-debug php app/console assets:install web_directory php app/console assetic:dump web_directory You might also run into permission issues with the cache directory. I would actually first make sure everything works in development mode on the server before switching to production mode. And if all you get is blank … Read more

Passing parameters to Capistrano

Update: For Capistrano 3, see scieslak’s answer. As jarrad has said, capistrano-ash is a good basic set of helper modules to deploy other project types, though it’s not required as at the end of the day it’s just a scripting language and most tasks are done with the system commands and end up becoming almost … Read more

Manage configuration files across environments

The Config4* project (disclaimer: I am its primary developer) does not have an out-of-the-box integration with .Net or WCF, so it is probably not useful to you. However, one of the features in Config4* is relevant to your question: it is the ability to embed if-then-else statements in a configuration file, so that the file … Read more
