How to attach to remote gdb with vscode?

I found the answer of this question here: Is it possible to attach to a remote gdb target with vscode? Summary: First you need to install the Native Debug extension for VS Code. Then edit launch.json file and add: { “type”: “gdb”, “request”: “attach”, “name”: “Attach to gdbserver”, “executable”: “<path to the elf/exe file relative … Read more

How to pass command-line arguments in debug mode in VSCode with golang

list all params, for example, command is: “hello.exe -in -out aa.out” the debug config is: { “version”: “0.2.0”, “configurations”: [ { “name”: “Launch”, “type”: “go”, “request”: “launch”, “mode”: “auto”, “program”: “${fileDirname}”, “env”: {}, “args”: [“-in”, “”, “-out”, “aa.out”] } ] }

What flags to set for GFORTRAN compiler to catch faulty code?

Bare minimum -Og/-O0 -O0 basically tells the compiler to make no optimisations. Optimiser can remove some local variables, merge some code blocks, etc. and as an outcome it can make debugging unpredictable. The price for -O0 option is very slow code execution, but starting from version 4.8 GCC compilers (including the Fortran one) accept a … Read more

How do you debug PDF files?

There are a number of free tools that’ll let you look at the guts of a PDF, uncompressed and decrypted (given the password). RUPS for iText springs to mind (but I’m biased). I don’t know that there’s an iTextSharp equivalent. It’s a GUI with a tree view (something ALL these apps have) of the PDF … Read more