What are the nominal distances for iBeacon “Far”, “Near”, and “Immediate”

From what I understood of the API is that there is never a guarantee on actual distance, you should not use the readings to be considered an accurate measurement. The proximity is rather used to determine the relative distance between different beacons so that you can respond accordingly based on your applications requirements. With that … Read more

Bluetooth in react-native

Update (with disclaimer): Since I gave the original answer, things have changed. In my company (Polidea) since we realised there is no very good library for React Native for BT we developed and fully open-sourced (permissive licence) our own solution. It’s based on two RX-based Android and iOS native libraries and we wrote a common … Read more

Bluetooth headphone music quality deteriorates when launching iOS simulator

I’ve managed to fix it, and it actually seems to be a microphone issue. Go to System Preferences -> Sound, select the Input tab and set Internal Microphone as the input (mine was set with my headphones’). Crappy sound goes way after that =) EDIT (May 30 2018): I’ve found out an easier way to … Read more