algorithmic trading simulator/benchmark data [closed]

This question is pretty broad; as it is, there is no mention of which instruments you’re interested in. For instance: Stocks Bonds Commodities Forex Derivatives (like Futures or Options) For the moment, I will assume you’re interested in stocks… if so, take a look at Ninja Trader, which offers these features for free. You can … Read more

POST request with wrk?

This is possible now. Here is an example wrk.method = “POST” wrk.body = “foo=bar&baz=quux” wrk.headers[“Content-Type”] = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” save this in a *.lua script and pass it into your command line test with the -s flag.

How efficient can Meteor be while sharing a huge collection among many clients?

The short answer is that only new data gets sent down the wire. Here’s how it works. There are three important parts of the Meteor server that manage subscriptions: the publish function, which defines the logic for what data the subscription provides; the Mongo driver, which watches the database for changes; and the merge box, … Read more