How to loop SVG animation sequence?

Figured it out already. Solution for those who are interested: <animateTransform id=”anim1″ attributeName=”transform” attributeType=”XML” type=”rotate” from=”0″ to=”30″ begin=”0s; anim2.end” dur=”0.4s” fill=”freeze”/> <animateTransform id=”anim2″ attributeName=”transform” attributeType=”XML” type=”rotate” from=”30″ to=”0″ begin=”anim1.end” dur=”0.4s” fill=”freeze”/>

SwiftUI: Broken explicit animations in NavigationView?

Here is fixed part (another my answer with explanations is here). Tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14. struct EscapingAnimationTest_Inner: View { @State var degrees: CGFloat = 0 var body: some View { Circle() .trim(from: 0.0, to: 0.3) .stroke(, lineWidth: 5) .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: Double(degrees))) .animation(Animation.linear(duration: 1).repeatForever(autoreverses: false), value: degrees) .onAppear() { DispatchQueue.main.async { // << here … Read more

Safari changing font weights when unrelated animations are running

When you trigger GPU compositing (eg, through CSS animation), the browser sends that element to the GPU, but also anything that would appear on top of that element if its top/left properties were changed. This includes any position:relative elements that appear after the animating one. The solution is to give the animating element position:relative and … Read more

Chaining animations in SwiftUI

As mentioned in the other responses, there is currently no mechanism for chaining animations in SwiftUI, but you don’t necessarily need to use a manual timer. Instead, you can use the delay function on the chained animation: withAnimation(Animation.easeIn(duration: 1.23)) { self.doSomethingFirst() } withAnimation(Animation.easeOut(duration: 4.56).delay(1.23)) { self.thenDoSomethingElse() } withAnimation(Animation.default.delay(1.23 + 4.56)) { self.andThenDoAThirdThing() } I’ve found … Read more

FFmpeg: high quality animated GIF?

I’ve written a tool specifically for maximum quality: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 frame%04d.png gifski -o clip.gif frame*.png It generates good per-frame palettes, but also combines palettes across frames, achieving even thousands of colors per frame. If you want to reduce the video dimensions, add a scaling filter: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf scale=400:240 frame%04d.png If you … Read more

How To Sync CSS Animations Across Multiple Elements?

I don’t think its possible natively, but you can actually hack similar functionality by using a bouncing wrapper and some position altering html: <div id=”bouncywrap”> <div id=”bouncy01″>Drip</div> <div id=”bouncy02″>droP</div> <div> CSS: @-webkit-keyframes bounce { 0% { padding-top:1px;} /* using padding as it does not affect position:relative of sublinks * using 0 instead of 0 b/c … Read more

iOS 7 launch image (splash screen) fades out

I have managed to do that in the AppController. Just place this code right after the creation of the glView UIImage* image = [UIImage imageNamed:[self getLaunchImageName]]; if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: @selector(scale)]) { float screenScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]; if (screenScale > 1.) image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:screenScale orientation:image.imageOrientation]; } UIImageView *splashView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image]; … Read more

CSS3 Chain Animations

There are several ways to chain the animations – there’s the pure CSS way, using -webkit-animation-delay, where you define multiple animations and tell the browser when to start them, e.g. -webkit-animation: First 1s, Second 2s; -webkit-animation-delay: 0s, 1s; /* or -moz etc.. instead of -webkit */ Another way is to bind to the animation end … Read more

css3 animation on :hover; force entire animation

I’m afraid that the only way to solve this is with a bit of javascript, you must add the animation as a class and then remove it when the animation finishes. $(“.box”).bind(“webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd animationend”, function(){ $(this).removeClass(“animated”) }) $(“.box”).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass(“animated”); })
