Google Maps Android API V2 check if GoogleMaps are installed on device

Alright after more poking and prodding I realized I just need to ask PackageManager if google maps are installed. IMO this should really be included in the Google Maps Android API V2 developers guide…there are going to be lots of devs that miss this case and have frustrated users. Here’s how to check if Google … Read more

Google Maps Android API v2 very slow when adding lots of Markers

Alright, after trying a couple more things I figured out how to determine if a given point is in the visible region, and it’s pretty simple: //Note: this.mMap is an instance of GoogleMap LatLngBounds bounds = this.mMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds; LatLng markerPoint = new LatLng(item.getLatitude(), item.getLongitude()); if(bounds.contains(markerPoint)) { this.mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions(…)); } *Note that getting the projection of the … Read more