Can OpenMP be used for GPUs?

Yes. The OpenMP 4 target constructs were designed to support a wide range of accelerators. Compiler support for NVIDIA GPUs is available from GCC 7+ (see 1 and 2, although the latter has not been updated to reflect OpenMP 4 GPU support), Clang (see 3,4,5), and Cray. Compiler support for Intel GPUs is available in the Intel C/C++ compiler (see e.g. 6).

The IBM-developed Clang/LLVM implementation of OpenMP 4+ for NVIDIA GPUs is available from The build recipe is provided in “OpenMP compiler for CORAL/OpenPower Heterogeneous Systems”.

The Cray compiler supports OpenMP target for NVIDIA GPUs. From Cray Fortran Reference Manual (8.5):

The OpenMP 4.5 target directives are supported for targeting NVIDIA GPUs or the current CPU target. An
appropriate accelerator target module must be loaded to use target directives.

The Intel compiler supports OpenMP target for Intel Gen graphics for C/C++ but not Fortran. Furthermore, the teams and distribute clauses are not supported because they are not necessary/appropriate. Below is a simple example showing how the OpenMP target features work in different environments.

void vadd2(int n, float * a, float * b, float * c)
    #pragma omp target map(to:n,a[0:n],b[0:n]) map(from:c[0:n])
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(__INTEL_OFFLOAD)
    #pragma omp parallel for simd
    #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for simd
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

The compiler options for Intel and GCC are as follows. I don’t have GCC setup for NVIDIA GPUs but you can see the documentation for the appropriate -foffload options.

$ icc -std=c99 -qopenmp -qopenmp-offload=gfx -c vadd2.c && echo "SUCCESS" || echo "FAIL"
$ gcc-7 -fopenmp -c vadd2.c && echo "SUCCESS" || echo "FAIL"

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