Bitbucket – Push project files to an empty Git repository

  1. First, make sure you already installed EGit or other git control plugins on your Eclipse.

  2. Second, add Git Source Control to your existing Android Eclipse Project (local) and create a local Git Repository for the Project, by following the steps below: (or check this video)

    • right click your project -> Team -> share project
    • check the option of “Use or create repository in parent folder of project”
    • select your project
    • click the button of “create repository”
    • hit “finish”
    • right click your project -> Team -> Add to Index
    • right click your project -> Team -> commit
  3. Then push your Project (now is under local Git Source Control) to a Remote Repository such as or, by following the steps below: (or check this video)

    • right click your project -> Team -> remote -> push
    • type in the URL of the remote repository you are using
    • type in username and password, then hit “next”
    • click the button of “Add All Branches Spec”
    • click “next”
    • click “finish”

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