You should definitely check out
but I will try to post a more comprehensive answer later.
Ok, a solution is below. It represents the Morris sequence as a LazyList of LazyLists of int, since I presume you want it to be lazy in ‘both directions’.
The F# LazyList (in the FSharp.PowerPack.dll) has three useful properties:
- it is lazy (evaluation of the nth element will not happen until it is first demanded)
- it does not recompute (re-evaluation of the nth element on the same object instance will not recompute it – it caches each element after it’s first computed)
- you can ‘forget’ prefixes (as you ‘tail’ into the list, the no-longer-referenced prefix is available for garbage collection)
The first property is common with seq (IEnumerable), but the other two are unique to LazyList and very useful for computational problems such as the one posed in this question.
Without further ado, the code:
// print a lazy list up to some max depth
let rec PrintList n ll =
match n with
| 0 -> printfn ""
| _ -> match ll with
| LazyList.Nil -> printfn ""
| LazyList.Cons(x,xs) ->
printf "%d" x
PrintList (n-1) xs
// NextMorris : LazyList<int> -> LazyList<int>
let rec NextMorris (LazyList.Cons(cur,rest)) =
let count = ref 1
let ll = ref rest
while LazyList.nonempty !ll && (LazyList.hd !ll) = cur do
ll := !ll
incr count
LazyList.cons !count
(LazyList.consf cur (fun() ->
if LazyList.nonempty !ll then
NextMorris !ll
// Morris : LazyList<int> -> LazyList<LazyList<int>>
let Morris s =
let rec MakeMorris ll =
LazyList.consf ll (fun () ->
let next = NextMorris ll
MakeMorris next
MakeMorris s
// "main"
// Print the nth iteration, up to a certain depth
[1] |> LazyList.of_list |> Morris |> Seq.nth 3125 |> PrintList 10
[1] |> LazyList.of_list |> Morris |> Seq.nth 3126 |> PrintList 10
[1] |> LazyList.of_list |> Morris |> Seq.nth 100000 |> PrintList 35
[1] |> LazyList.of_list |> Morris |> Seq.nth 100001 |> PrintList 35
If you just want to count, that’s fine too:
let LLLength ll =
let rec Loop ll acc =
match ll with
| LazyList.Cons(_,rest) -> Loop rest (acc+1N)
| _ -> acc
Loop ll 0N
let Main() =
// don't do line below, it leaks
//let hundredth = [1] |> LazyList.of_list |> Morris |> Seq.nth 100
// if we only want to count length, make sure we throw away the only
// copy as we traverse it to count
[1] |> LazyList.of_list |> Morris |> Seq.nth 100
|> LLLength |> printfn "%A"
The memory usage stays flat (under 16M on my box)… hasn’t finished running yet, but I computed the 55th length fast, even on my slow box, so I think this should work just fine. Note also that I used ‘bignum’s for the length, since I think this will overflow an ‘int’.